Sunday, July 25, 2010

Going Solo

This morning, my mom took Clyde out for a walk. When they got back, she took off his leash on the porch. We had done it before and he had gone right in. This time, he froze and backed away from the door. My mom called me to come out. I managed to get him away from the door so I could come open it. However next he walked around to the backyard. When we followed him, he was just waiting at the back door to be let in. We think he may have been abandoned that way- let off the leash and left, and he wasn't going to let it happen this time. Later: Once again, we were at my grandparents house with Clyde. I was in the pool and my mom was reading her book. When I climbed out, I asked where he was. He wasn't on the patio so we called his name and he came running- right through the pachysandra. The next time I went in, he walked over and just sat down in it, looking very pleased with himself. He also finally felt comfortable enough to go off in the yard on his own. Go, Clyde!

1 comment:

  1. The little man in a genius, Adella. I marvel at how much he tells us straight up every day.
