Thursday, July 22, 2010

Clyde Hatches!

Today at my grandparents house, with my eight and eleven year old boy cousins, Clyde finally let loose and came out of his shell. My grandparents have a huge yard- part fenced in and part open. My cousins and I (With me holding Clyde on his leash), began to scope out places all over the yard that we found enjoyable. Together we can get a little crazy, but Clyde didn't seem to mind. He walked with us, ran, sniffed, sat, let them pet him, and even let Adam hold his leash. He didn't hide behind me, or cower around them. Later this streek continued when both my mom and dad sat next to him on the couch at different times. My dad even held his leash a bit on his later walk. Way to go, Clyde! :)

1 comment:

  1. Clyde's da man. Remember how the lady at the shelter said it could take years to get him out of his shell and to avoid having noisy kids around? I'm thinking Clyde understands intention. He knows who's good and who means to be good.
