Monday, February 7, 2011

Clyde the Cat

The other day in my parents' room Clyde was jumping up the wall trying to see out the window. Mom moved the chair against the wall so he could climb up and see. He clmbed up the chair and put his front paws on the windowsill. He stood at attention staring out into the trees, until he pulled himself all the way up onto the windowsill. Later in my room he had his paws up on the qindow and his back back paws on my bed. He went back and forth between my windows, sometimes hanging over the edge of the head board.


  1. He's a funny dude--and so flexible!

  2. He just knew there was a squirrel out there for him to see.

  3. there's Clyde, my mistake! Mr. Ched was hoping though! What a cutie, I still love dogs too. G
